Australia’s premier Colour Analysis boutique that will make you fall in love with your wardrobe

Colour Capsule is Australia’s leading personal in-person and online colour analysis service that will help you unlock your best colours, revitalise your wardrobe, and rediscover your confidence in your style.







Your dream wardrobe is just around the corner

Transform your mornings with ease. Our personalised colour analysis is the secret to curating a wardrobe that reflects your personality and turns getting dressed into a daily delight. Embrace a hassle-free and enjoyable approach to fashion that elevates your style to new heights.

Say goodbye to wardrobe overwhelm, and say hello to your best colours.

Over our lifetime, we invest thousands in our wardrobes. Yet, what do we do we have to show for it?

If you're overwhelmed or bored with your wardrobe, then a Colour Capsule will give you the clarity you've been seeking. I know, because I've been there.

As a colour analysis consultant, I'm committed to restoring your time, money, energy, and faith in your wardrobe and style.

I understand the frustration of a wardrobe overflowing with clothes, yet the feeling of having nothing to wear. A professional colour analysis isn't just about discovering your best colours; it's about gaining clarity.

Clarity acts as the reset button for your entire wardrobe and sense of style. Are you prepared to hit the restart button?

  • I am incredibly thrilled with the outcome of the color analysis. I now feel confident in knowing which colors suit me best and how to incorporate them into my wardrobe.

    β€” Jess, Victoria

  • Happiness is an understatement! Getting my results confirmed my suspicions (and hopes!) of what season I would be in, and it’s changed how I will shop forever. The analysis was so incredibly in depth, personalised and thoughtful. I cannot thank Lauren enough!

    β€” Lauren V. NSW

  • I am beyond happy with my results! Clothing and shopping choices are no longer sources of stress in my life. This experience has given me so much more confidence and excitement about my style and wardrobe choices.

    β€”Sophie, NSW

  • At first I was surprised when I read the result but after watching Lauren's detailed video I was confident in her decision and could really see the difference. Absolutely worth it. Thank you.

    • Robin, NSW

  • Love the results, the colour analysis has eliminated the overwhelm shopping caused me. Highly recommend - especially for those who struggle with making decisions.

    Casey, Western Australia

  • The video was incredibly informative and I can already tell it has impacted what I've been purchasing (makeup, clothing, etc.) I think this is a wonderful gift for others and has given me a newfound confidence in myself and my wardrobe!

    • McKenna, United States